make a submission

We welcome submissions to JoCAT

If you are interested in making a submission to JoCAT, first please download the JoCAT Submissions Manual. This gives all the information regarding submission category and everything you need to provide, including the JoCAT Style Guide (outlining the format and conventions that you will need to adhere to) and sections on how to use the JoCAT Style Template, referencing and how to write a book review. Please download the Style Template is a Microsoft Word template as you MUST use this to format your submission – any special formatting requirements can be negotiated with the JoCAT designer if your submission is accepted for publication.

Please scroll down to send your correctly prepared and formatted submission.

Please note: While a deadline is set, JoCAT does accept submissions at any time. They will be considered by the editorial team leading up to the regular editorial meetings. There may be a delay depending on when you make your submission.

Podcasts and creative contributions can be submitted at any time of the year.

Prepare your submission

JoCAT Submission Manual

Includes all you need to know to make a submission.

JoCAT Podcast Manual

Includes guidelines to assist with the recording and submission process.

JoCAT Style Template

This Word template MUST be used when making your submission. The submission manual contains a guide to using this template.

Other Resources

Useful articles, online guides and the Great APAv7 Quiz to help you with making your submission.


JoCAT requires individual authors and creators to retain copyright of their work and grant access under a Creative Commons licence.

Send your submission

Use the submission upload form to submit your contribution. Please refrain from emailing them directly to the JoCAT Coordinator.